Body Care
When it's time to ride, Assos' Chamois Créme should be the first thing you put on. Trust us, this stuff is essential if you ride often, whether on the road or trails. Your rides will be comfortable all day thanks to the all-natural ingredients that provide lubrication, anti-chafing support and anti-bacterial protection.
ASSOS' legendary chamois crème is a pre-ride necessity that reduces friction-caused irritation, rehydrates and replenishes the skin, and minimizes the risk of saddle sores.
Chafing and saddle sores are common problems for professional and amateur cyclists alike, so we specifically engineered a lubricating cream that relieves both issues. Moisturizing with a slight cooling sensation, ASSOS Chamois Crème is the perfect viscosity to reduce friction, endure your longest rides, and thoroughly wash out without damaging or staining your chamois. We've perfected the formula over decades to become the industry benchmark for this staple of the cyclist's toolkit.
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